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Region 8 Planning & Development Council

Here to support the development and expansion of Grant, Mineral, Pendleton, Hardy, and Hampshire Counties.

It is our mission to obtain the maximum level of  economic and community  development in the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia through development, planning and by assisting local governments and businesses implement projects and programs. 

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Community Development

The Region 8 Planning and Development Council provides support to local governments in the area of community development.  The Council provides financial packaging and administration for infrastructure projects such as water/sewer, community planning, parks and street repair. See how to format proposals for these ventures.

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We offer economic development tools to local businesses and member governments.  The Council has two loan programs (RLF & WV CDBG) that assist businesses with expansion, retention or businesses that are just starting up.  The Council's loan programs can be combined with state and conventional lending sources to create attractive financial packages.  The Council also works with local governments and development authorities to keep businesses competitive. 


Senior Services

Region 8 also offers paid and volunteer programs for older West Virginians. The Senior Community Service Employment Program offers employment opportunities and training to help seniors get back into the workforce. Our Foster Grandparent Program gives seniors the opportunity to spend time with and impact the lives of children. The UPAAA offers general help and counseling to seniors.


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The Region 8 Planning & Development Council is a multi-purpose regional entity recognized by the state of West Virginia. The Region 8 PDC supports the region of the Potomac Highlands by planning and coordinating intergovernmental solutions to growth-related problems, providing assistants to local governments, and meeting the needs of communities across the region.

Our region is comprised of Grant County, Hampshire County, Hardy County, Mineral County, and Pendleton County.

I'm an older West Virginian looking for career and volunteer opportunities.

I'm a business owner looking for financial assistance.


I'm looking for local aging and disability resources.

I'm a local government official looking to further develop my community.

Finding of No Significant Environmental Impact for Local Water Line Extension Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Baltimore District has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and a draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed construction of the Pendleton County Public Service District (PSD), Sandy Ridge Water Line Extension Project, Pendleton County, West Virginia

West Virginia MATCH Survey

West Virginians have health needs.  Help our community get access to more health services by taking the MATCH survey.


For additional information, please visit

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131 Providence Ln.
Petersburg, WV 26847


Phone: 304-257-2448
Fax: 304-257-4958

2022 by Morgan Sites. 

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